LEI 通用数据文件格式

2 级数据:报告例外格式 2.1

法人机构识别编码 (LEI) 数据池包含解答“谁拥有谁”问题的 2 级数据。 特别是,拥有或获得 LEI 的法人机构,将报告其“直接会计合并母公司”,以及其“最终会计合并母公司”。


  • 不存在母公司。
  • 子公司由于例外原因选择退出报告(参见下文)。
  • 母公司没有 LEI。

2016 年 11 月,GLEIF 发布了文件“报告例外格式” 初始版本 1.0。2017 年 5 月,GLEIF 发布了报告例外格式版本 1.1,而在 2021 年 9 月,又发布了报告例外格式版本 2.1。相较于报告例外格式版本 1.1,版本 2.1 引入了新的例外原因“NON_PUBLIC”。相应的 XML 模式定义和发行说明文件可在本页下方下载。

GLEIF 级联文件可供下载,其包含了基于相关报告格式的关于 LEI 记录和相关参考数据的具体信息。报告例外的情况详述于 Level 2 Reporting Exceptions Concatenated File

在名为“PNI 数据收集和选择退出母关系报告与 2 级母关系数据相关的 ROC 政策修订”的政策文件中,监督管理委员会 (ROC) 定义了法人机构选择退出直接和最终母公司 LEI 信息的可接受理由清单(从现在起称为选择退出清单)。修订的目标是以一种有助于最佳利用选择退出的方式对其进行整合,同时保留最有价值/使用最常用的信息。

之前存在的 9 个选择退出理由可以归纳为 3 大类:

  • 非合并,只要母关系的合并会计定义不适用。此类别包括如该机构由自然人控制,并且没有任何中间法人机构(“自然人”);该机构由法人机构控制,并且无需受制于合并(“非合并”);以及没有任何控制该机构的已知个人(”无已知个人“,例如,实体由不同的股东控制)。

  • 非公开,只要关系信息为非公开,因此对发布这些信息构成障碍。此类别包括司法管辖区的法律或法规存在限制报告的障碍(“具有约束力的法律约束”);存在其他法律约束,如管辖法人机构的条款或合(“法律障碍”);披露信息会对法人机构或相关母公司不利(“披露有害”和“不排除不利”);以及未获得披露母公司 LEI 的同意(“未获得同意”)。如果机构要注册或年检 LEI,则无需提供非公开关系信息。

  • 无 LEI,即母公司不同意获取 LEI 或授权其“子实体”代表其获取 LEI。

下图显示了报告例外格式版本 2.1 的结构,包括要提供的数据内容的定义。

Header [1,1]
ContentDate The date and time as of which the data contained in the file is valid. repex:LEIDateTimeProfile A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8601. [1,1]
Originator The LEI of the entity that created the content of this file. repex:LEIType A Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code, conforming to ISO 17442. [0,1]
FileContent A code describing the content of this Reporting Exceptions file. repex:FileContentEnum Codes denoting the publisher of the Reporting Exceptions file (GLEIF or LEI Issuer / LOU), the publication status (public or internal use) and the content type (full file, delta file or query response).
A value of type FileContentEnum in a file conforming to this standard SHALL be one of the following code strings:
DeltaStart The date and time of the baseline relative to which this file contains new or changed Reporting Exceptions. repex:LEIDateTimeProfile A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8601. [0,1]
RecordCount The number of Reporting Exceptions (RepEx) in the file. Must be a positive whole (integer) number, or zero (0). xs:nonNegativeInteger A positive whole number or zero (0). [1,1]
Extension This Extension element contains any additional elements required to extend the Header container element. repex:ExtensionType Data element(s) defined by the sender of the file. A description of Extension element structure and content should be provided separately. [0,1]
ReportingExceptions [1,1]
Exception [1,1]
LEI The ISO 17442 compatible identifier for the legal entity which raised this exception. repex:LEIType A Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code, conforming to ISO 17442. [1,1]
ExceptionCategory A category of mandatory information reporting, beyond the minimum required for legal entity identification, which the legal entity declines, giving reasons and references where applicable. repex:ExceptionCategoryEnum A value of type ExceptionCategoryEnum in a file conforming to this standard SHALL be one of the following code strings:
  • DIRECT_ACCOUNTING_CONSOLIDATION_PARENT - The legal entity has declined to report a direct accounting consolidation parent, based on applicable accounting standards.
  • ULTIMATE_ACCOUNTING_CONSOLIDATION_PARENT - The legal entity has declined to report an ultimate accounting consolidation parent, based on applicable accounting standards.
ExceptionReason A single reason provided by the legal entity for declining to provide the mandatory report of a specified type of information (beyond the minimum reference data needed purely for identification of the legal entity). repex:ExceptionReasonEnum A value of type ExceptionReasonEnum in a file conforming to this standard SHALL be one of the following code strings:
  • NO_LEI
  • deprecated LEGAL_OBSTACLES
  • new NON_PUBLIC
Note: The reporting exception reason categories BINDING_LEGAL_COMMITMENTS, LEGAL_OBSTACLES, DISCLOSURE_DETRIMENTAL, DETRIMENT_NOT_EXCLUDED and CONSENT_NOT_OBTAINED are retained for technical compatibility but will be considered deprecated from March 1, 2022 onwards. These exception reasons will be consolidated to the newly added Exception ReasonEnum(NON_PUBLIC) from March 1, 2022.
ExceptionReference References of the law, regulation or other element of the legal framework to support reason(s) provided by the legal entity for declining to provide information on its parents. repex:Tokenized500Type An element of this type has minimum length of one character and may not contain any of: the carriage return (#xD), line feed (#xA) nor tab (#x9) characters, shall not begin or end with a space (#x20) character, or a sequence of two or more adjacent space characters. [0,*]
Extension This repex:Extension element may contain any additional elements required to extend the Reporting Exception. repex:ExtensionType Data element(s) defined by the sender of the file. A description of Extension element structure and content should be provided separately. [0,1]

报告例外 2.1 格式

注:报告例外格式版本 2.1 中新添加的枚举值以黄色突出显示。同样地,保留被弃用的枚举值是出于技术上的向后兼容性原因。


如有关于报告例外格式的疑问,请提交问题至 info@gleif.org
