LEI 数据
GLEIF 的“链接”举措旨在简化交易对手尽职调查流程,并通过提高企业在全球范围内的可识别性和可发现性来增加全球交易的透明度。
每条 LEI 记录均包含由当地权威机构注册的关键参考信息,以便在全球范围内清晰、唯一地识别法定实体。“链接”举措为参与的权威来源注册的实体的 LEI 记录添加了一个专用 URL,从而可以在相关注册机构的网站上方便、直接地访问每个实体的官方注册数据和相关文件。
Kamer van Koophandel(KVK);荷兰商会;网站
权威工商登记机构代码:RA000585(英格兰和威尔士)、RA000586(北爱尔兰)和 RA000587(苏格兰)。
在网页中与 LEI 参考数据进行链接的示例:

与 LEI 参考数据相比,每个登记处都包含特定于其登记册和国家法规的额外数据。请参阅下表,了解每个关联的登记册及其附加数据资源的描述。其中包括有关官员、其他授权代表、最终受益所有人、年度账目、员工人数等的信息。
下表概述了除 LEI 参考数据外,可从登记处获得的最相关数据:
Available additional data; + means data is available; - means data is not available; Footnotes provided below the table | KVK - The Netherlands | Companies House - United Kingdom |
LEI | 724500A93Z8V1MJK5349 | |
RA Code | RA000463 | RA000585 (England and Wales), RA000586 (Northern Ireland) and RA000587 (Scotland). |
Seat of the entity | + | - 1) |
Date of first registration | + | + 2) |
Share capital | + | + 3) |
Officers of the entity (directors etc) with role title, date of birth, date of entry into role and powers (e.g. sole/jointly authorized) | + | + |
Authorized representatives | + | + |
Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO) | + | - 4) |
Persons with Significant Control (PSC) | - | + |
Sole shareholder with date of birth and date of becoming single shareholder | + | + 5) |
Activities of the entity (text and code) | + | + |
Number of employees | + | - |
Annual accounts | + | + |
Group structures | + | - |
Historical data | + | + |
Registry extract (official document with fixed set of data) | + | + |
Filed forms and documents (incl. e.g. articles of association) | + | + |
Confirmation statement / Annual return | - | + |
Charges against the entity | - | + |
1) Unknown legal concept in the UK | ||
2) In the UK, incorporation occurs through the registration | ||
3) Capital to be found in the filings | ||
4) UK registers PSC (of each company) instead of UBO | ||
5) To be found in the PSC |