LEI Code Lists

GLEIF Registration Authorities List

The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) publishes the ‘Registration Authorities List’ (available for download below). It contains more than 1.000 business registers and other relevant registration and validation authority sources and assigns a unique code to each register / authority on the list. Going forward, Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) issuing organizations issuing organizations will reference this code in their LEI issuance processes and reporting.

In March 2022, GLEIF published version 1.7 of the Registration Authorities List.The introduction of the ROC Policy on Fund Relationships and Guidelines for the registration of Investment Funds in the Global LEI System made it necessary to review the Registration Authorities list and add more sources which can be used to validate information on funds. These sources are usually entities such as Securities and Exchange Commissions, Central Banks, Financial Supervisory Authorities etc.

The use of the GLEIF Registration Authorities List further increases the reliability and usability of the LEI data.

Recap: A cross reference for the data of the legal entity to a local authoritative source

The LEI connects to key reference information that enables clear and unique identification of legal entities participating in financial transactions. Simply put, the publicly available LEI data pool can be regarded as a global directory that greatly enhances transparency in financial markets. The data pool’s ability to meet this objective relies on the availability of trusted, open and reliable data.

The process of ensuring LEI data quality starts with the registering entity. Through self-registration, the registering entity must provide accurate legal entity reference data to the LEI issuing organization of its choice. LEI issuers (also referenced as ‘Local Operating Units’ or LOUs) supply registration, renewal and other services, and act as the primary interface for legal entities wishing to obtain an LEI.

The Registration Authorities List, published by GLEIF, for the first time standardizes the cross reference provided by the legal entity to its local authoritative source. With this list GLEIF enables users of the LEI data to more easily link the LEI to other data sources.

LEI issuers must ensure the cross reference to the local authoritative source is standardized and included in an LEI record

Users of LEI data will be able to identify the authoritative source associated with the legal entity. The relevant code will be part of the information that makes up an LEI record. All LEI records are publicly available, and can easily be accessed free of charge, on the GLEIF website via the Global LEI Index.

The ‘Common Data File’ (CDF) formats define how LEI issuing organizations report their LEI and related reference data. Based on this standard, LEI issuers will identify the local authoritative source associated with the legal entity using the field BusinessRegisterEntityID, which contains two elements:

  • Register: A code that identifies the business register or other registration authority that supplied the value of EntityID (see next bullet). Going forward, this will be the code assigned to an authoritative source included on the GLEIF Registration Authorities List.
  • EntityID: The identifier (local number) of the legal entity as maintained by the authoritative source.

The register may be reported without the accompanying EntityID if this ID is not available.

Implementation of the GLEIF Registration Authorities List

GLEIF will monitor compliance of LEI issuers with the Registration Authorities List. After publication of each new version of the Registration Authorities List, the LEI issuers are required to implement all changes within a limited time frame.

The GLEIF Registration Authorities List will continue to evolve. Requests for changes or comments on the document should be sent to info@gleif.org.

GLEIF offers the Registration Authorities List in different formats (see below).

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