LEI Data LEI Mapping

Open Ownership Register ID-to-LEI relationship

A collaboration between the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) and Open Ownership has resulted in Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs) being integrated into datasets produced in line with the Beneficial Ownership Data Standard (BODS) for the first time. The goal of the collaboration is to promote greater transparency in corporate ownership and control in support of safer, faster, and more efficient payment activities globally and a more secure financial landscape. It does this by enhancing the usability of beneficial ownership data, by allowing Open Ownership's database to be mapped more easily to other datasets globally through use of the LEI, in addition to OpenCorporate IDs and national business identifiers already contained within the database.

Open Ownership is driving the global shift towards transparency over who owns and controls corporate vehicles. The Open Ownership database provides beneficial ownership transparency to help tackle corruption, reduce investment risk and improve governance. It currently provides over 27 million beneficial ownership records for 9.6 million companies globally and it makes this high-quality data openly available as well as conducting advocacy for data publishers to use its BODS. Its data is reconciled with the OpenCorporates database, to ensure the highest quality data sourced from national business registries in 140 jurisdictions.

To achieve the new integration, Open Ownership leveraged an existing mapping partnership between the GLEIF and OpenCorporates databases, to extend LEI mapping to its own datasets. LEIs are now embedded into Open Ownership data records where entities have both an OpenCorporates ID and an LEI.

As of September 2023, Open Ownership uses these tools to republish data from national registers in Denmark, Slovakia and the United Kingdom. These datasets are made searchable via the Open Ownership Register where users can download the BODS JSON files for individual entities or beneficial owners as well as being able to download a combined file containing all the data in the register. Currently, there are more than 145,000 entities with LEIs mapped in the BODS datasets.

The collaboration on the mapping between GLEIF and Open Ownership extends the opportunities for any data user to connect our high quality beneficial ownership data with other datasets from all over the world. This will improve the quality of available data and reduce friction when it comes to cross-border payments and contribute to a more transparent and secure financial landscape for all.

For further information on the Open Ownership Register ID-to-LEI relationship, as well as the collaboration between GLEIF and Open Ownership, please refer to the factsheet available for download at the foot of this page.

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