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Your Event on GLEIF Website: Terms and Conditions

The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) makes available on its English language website information on conferences and events providing participants with the opportunity to stay informed on the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) and related developments in the areas of, among others, identification management, data management and risk management.

GLEIF offers event organizers the possibility to feature their event or conference on the English language GLEIF website in the section ‘Featured Events’. GLEIF does not perform any other actions to advertise an event or conference featured on the GLEIF website that is offered by commercial parties.

GLEIF reserves the right to determine whether an event or a conference is appropriate to be featured on the GLEIF website considering the GLEIF’s purpose and policies it must observe.

Commercial parties whose event or conference is featured on the GLEIF website will name GLEIF together with the GLEIF logo, the GLEIF media plate and a link to the GLEIF website as a media partner on the event or conference website.

An organization that wishes to feature its event or conference on the GLEIF website is invited to email the following information to

- Title of the event or conference.
- Event location (city).
- Region (Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, America, Oceania).
- Date of the event.
- Link to event website.
- Image: Minimum size 600x200 pixels - ratio 3:1 (width:height).
- Brief description of event (maximum 100 words).

GLEIF reserves the right to remove the content in its sole discretion. In addition, the ‘GLEIF Website Terms’ apply.