GLEIF Accreditation of LEI Issuers
Accreditation is the process by which the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) evaluates the suitability of organizations seeking to operate within the Global LEI System as issuers of Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs) and custodians of LEI reference data. Becoming a member of the Global LEI System via GLEIF accreditation is a globally recognized designation of commitment to data quality and customer service.
An organization authorized to issue LEIs to legal entities participating in financial transactions is referred to as a Local Operating Unit (LOU). LOUs supply registration, renewal and other services, and act as the primary interface with legal entities for LEIs. A LOU may issue LEIs to legal entities in any jurisdiction for which it is accredited.
This section of the GLEIF website makes available all documentation and information relevant to participation in the GLEIF accreditation process. The six steps, which an organization seeking to become a GLEIF accredited LOU must complete, are detailed on this dedicated GLEIF website page: Accreditation Process.

GLEIF assumed the responsibility for accrediting organizations seeking to become LEI issuers in October 2015 with the conclusion of a Memorandum of Understanding between GLEIF and the Regulatory Oversight Committee (ROC). Prior to that date, the ROC was responsible for endorsing organizations as LEI issuers which were referred to as ‘pre-LOUs’. These organizations have participated in the GLEIF accreditation process and transitioned to accredited LOU status under the GLEIF program.
All LEI issuers must be accredited by GLEIF.
Any LEI issued by a former pre-LOU remains valid regardless whether the issuer became GLEIF accredited or not. In the event that a pre-LOU decided not to pursue accreditation or failed to meet the requirements of GLEIF accreditation, the LEIs already issued by that organization were transferred to a GLEIF accredited issuer.
Organizations seeking assistance with their application to become a GLEIF accredited LOU should direct their questions on the accreditation process by email to
GLEIF publishes on its website a list of all GLEIF accredited LEI issuing organizations.