LEI Data LEI Mapping

Download BIC-to-LEI Relationship Files

In February 2018, the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) and SWIFT introduced the first open source relationship file that matches a Business Identifier Code (BIC) assigned to an organization against its Legal Entity Identifier (LEI).

The BIC (ISO 9362) is an international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for the identification of institutions within the financial services industry. SWIFT is the registration authority for the BIC standard appointed by ISO. In this role, SWIFT receives BIC registration requests, assigns a BIC, and publishes the related BIC data record.

The BIC-to-LEI relationship file is built upon a mapping process established by SWIFT and certified by GLEIF. It is published in CSV format and will be updated on a monthly basis. Please note that opening the CSV format file directly in the Microsoft Excel tool may produce some errors in the LEI codes. Please refer to the ‘CSV Import Guide’ available for download at the foot of this page.

With the launch of this open source file, GLEIF and SWIFT have pioneered a cooperation model that, for the first time, enables market participants to link and cross-reference these key entity identifiers free of charge.

Availability of the open source BIC-to-LEI relationship file will ease the process of gathering, aggregating and reconciling counterparty information based on interoperability across parallel ID platforms. This is particularly relevant to service providers active in the payments and over the counter (OTC) derivatives markets concerned with client relationship management, or due diligence relevant to know your customer (KYC) and know your supplier (KYS).

The open source BIC-to-LEI relationship file is an important step towards consolidating information. This will significantly reduce the cost associated with entity verification to date.

For further information on the BIC-to-LEI relationship files, as well as the cooperation between GLEIF and SWIFT, please refer to the factsheet and please take note of the license agreement available for download at the foot of this page.

The free of charge GLEIF Certification of LEI Mapping service ensures that organizations which map the LEI to their own identifiers use state of the art methodologies and / or processes to do so accurately.

Date File
July 2024 LEI-BIC-20240726.zip
June 2024 LEI-BIC-20240628.zip
May 2024 LEI-BIC-20240524.zip
April 2024 LEI-BIC-20240426.zip
March 2024 LEI-BIC-20240329.zip
February 2024 LEI-BIC-20240223.zip
January 2024 LEI-BIC-20240126.zip
December 2023 LEI-BIC-20231229.zip
November 2023 LEI-BIC-20231124.zip
October 2023 LEI-BIC-20231027.zip
September 2023 LEI-BIC-20230929.zip
August 2023 LEI-BIC-20230825.zip

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