News & Media Press Releases

GLEIF Supports World Trade Board Plan to Empower SMEs Through Trade and Finance

‘Financial Inclusion in Trade Roadmap’ provides a holistic framework for public and private sector collaboration to accelerate change

  • Date: 2023-03-27

The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) has contributed to the World Trade Board’s new plan to drive greater access to trade finance for MSMEs, the Financial Inclusion in Trade Roadmap. Launched today for consultation, the plan identifies five key areas where coordinated action can make a significant impact. Crucially, the Roadmap aims to accelerate the pace of change by providing a holistic framework for public and private sector collaboration.

MSMEs make up around 90% of businesses globally but accounted for just 23% of applications for trade finance in 2020. Despite their low representation, these smaller firms made up 40% of rejected trade finance applications. This mismatch between demand for and supply of trade financing, known as the trade finance gap, is growing rapidly – from an estimated $1.5 trillion in 2018 to $2 trillion in 2022, and shows no signs of slowing.

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